12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Архипова Алина Викторовна14571
Учитель английского языка.
Россия, Смоленская обл., Сафоново
Материал размещён в группе «В помощь учителю английского языка»

1.      Overview description of your students (how many, age, language level, and purposes for studying English)

Number of students: 24

Age: 13-14

Language level: Intermediate

Purposes for studying English: different (they have it as a school subject – English is an obligatory subject to them, they want to read books in the original, they dream to visit England and other English-speaking countries)

It is a public institute.


-          To learn the words “Transport”;

-          To break the words into groups;

-          To learn to work in groups;

-          To gain and develop critical thinking skills.

2.      What aspect(s) of critical thinking does this lesson work on?

To gain and develop critical thinking skills

Critical thinking aspects I plan to address:

Examining specific assumptions, making conclusions, distinguishing fact from opinion, dividing words into groups.
3.  What aspect(s) of intercultural awareness and culture does this lesson work on?

High-context culture and low-context culture, monochromic culture and polychromic culture

Ideas and facts concerning cultural products (transport – to compare transport in Russia and other countries) and practices (activities done at school – tasks and exercises).

Students examining themselves as cultural beings.


4.      How does this lesson address what you learned about your students in your inquiry from Weeks 4 and 5? I’ve found out what their hobbies are. It’s very important.

I learned that my students are very interested in transport. They want to know the prices in Russia and other countries, they are eager to compare them. They want to learn all the words concerning this topic and to discuss it with each other. Some of them are going to attend driving school and are going to get driver's license.


5.      In this lesson, I anticipate students will be challenged by:

• Showing emotional empathy
• Viewing a situation from a new perspective
• Showing tolerance

• Being a person with intercultural communication

•Being able to work in groups


Being involved in the activities, my students will be challenged by different tasks given to them, they will be able to feel free to express their opinion and to discuss it with their peers.                                   


6.      To address these challenges, I plan to (note the specific activities that will address these challenges):

I plan to work in small groups and then in class and with the whole class (individual and group work); to inspire my students to be good communicators, to be tolerant and polite.


7.      This is the way I will assess my students:

 How will I know if the lesson is being effective? I will see how quickly the students work through the activities, the originality of their ideas, the number of sentences/examples each group is able to generate, whether everyone in the class is participating, a self-assessment students do after the class.



I want to make some changes to the lesson’s activities.


Introduction of words:


A bus


A car

A plane

A ship

A boat

A helicopter

A train

A bicycle

A motorcycle

A van

 A double-decker bus

 An airship

A spaceship


The tasks are the following:

Small group work:

Divide the words and word combinations into three groups: travelling by sea, travelling in the sky, travelling on land.

Small group and class discussion:

What is the quickest way to travel? What is the slowest one? What is the most expensive one? What is the cheapest? Which one (ones) do you prefer?



4.      I will use active listening.


What will students accomplish during the lesson?

Describe means of transport in your country, compare them with the ones in other countries;

recognize stereotypes, express opinions about them and justify it;
present opinions and practice communicative skills;
By the end of the lesson, students will
know different means of transport, divide them into groups, discuss each of it critically, understand other student’s opinion, be tolerant to it and use critical thinking skills.

                                                                               Detailed Lesson / Activity Plan Steps



Lesson Content / Activity Stages

Students will…(what they will do and how they will interact with each other and the content)

Language focus (what kind of language will the students be using / practicing)

Role of the teacher… (my role, and what I will be paying attention to)

Questions that I will ask the students to deepen their learning

1:00 – 1:10

10 minutes





Organizational moment, phonetic exercises, speech exercises

English: Good morning, everybody! Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Let’s train some tongue-twisters…

Tongue twisters, phonetic exercises and questions

Do you understand the main aim of the lesson? What is it?

1:10 – 1:20

10 minutes

Introduction of the vocabulary


New words: a bus, a car, a plane, a ship, a boat, a helicopter, a train, a bicycle, a motorcycle, a van, a double-decker bus, an airship, a spaceship, underground.



Vocabulary for transport

Introduction of words.


Organizer – introduces the activity

What means of transport do you know? What words are new to you?

1:20 – 1:30

10 minutes

Group work

Different exercises

Divide the words and word combinations into three groups:

Travelling by sea travelling in the sky, travelling on land.



Describing means of transport, thinking it over

Observer – giving directions, modelling student behavior

Answering student’s questions

Think what means of transport we can attribute to some group

1:30 – 1:40


Group discussion

Different exercises. Students are to answer the questions and discuss them in small groups and then in class:

What is the quickest way to travel? What is the slowest one? What is the most expensive one? What is the cheapest? Which one (ones) do you prefer?


Giving opinions

Listening to each other

Leader of the discussion and listener

Encouraging students to express themselves

Do you agree with other person’s opinion? Who has another opinion? What can you add? Express your point of view, please.

1:40 – 1:45  5minutes


Summary: are the goals achieved? Is the material learned? Giving the marks.


Questions to my students.

Organizer: making conclusions and  summarizing

What have we found out? What have we learned? Are you satisfied with the lesson?

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